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  • Monday, 27 March 2017

    This Drink Destroys Your Child’s Teeth And It Causes Liver Damage. Do You Give It To Your Kids?

    According to the US dairy industry, the chocolate milk is paying important role when it comes to a child’s diet. And to make all the parents believe in that, they invest millions of dollars. But if you would know the profit that is made from the flavored-milk annually, you should realize why the dairy industry wants to convince all the parents out there. We are talking here about $2.5 billion annually.

    Everyone should know that the chocolate milk actually comes from cows that have been treated with growth hormones and that nonorganic milk contains rGBH (synthetic growth hormone that is increasing the milk production in a cow).

    And no matter what the dairy industry says about the chocolate milk (how healthy and good it is for your kid and you), it is not true because chocolate milk is dangerous for your kid and even for you.

    Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t give chocolate milk to your kid:

    1. First of all, chocolate milk is loaded with sugar. 30 grams of sugar are only in one small carton of chocolate milk (more than a can of soda). Excessive amounts of sugar in the body can be the reason for heart diseases, metabolic syndrome and even cancer. And sugar can cause insulin resistance and that will eventually end up with diabetes.

    2. It depletes calcium which means that does not build strong bones. The nutrition director for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington named Amy Lanou claims that the most cases of osteoporosis are in the countries where people consume milk too much and have high intake of calcium in their diets and that the link between bone health and calcium is not really proved.

    3. What can be the cause of liver damage and promoting obesity is high fructose corn syrup and guess where fructose corn syrup is contained? Yes, in chocolate milk.

    4. Artificial flavors are made from many dangerous chemicals. And the worst part about this is that on many packages you can read about some of them such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein or monosodium glutamate.

    5. Chocolate milk contains casein – milk protein. That milk protein can be the reason for irritated immune system which can make the allergy symptoms even worse. Many people, even the ones that are not allergic to milk can find that the symptoms that are related to sinus conditions, chronic bronchitis, eczema, asthma and ear infection are disappearing or lowering when the milk and milk products are eliminated from consumption.

    6. What can cause gastrointestinal inflammation, ulcerations, lesions and in some cases colon cancer is food-grade carrageenan. This was proved on many studies that were tested laboratory animals for this purpose. American Diabetes Association made a study in which they tested the connection between insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, and consumption of food-grade carrageenan.

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