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  • Sunday, 12 March 2017

    Going to bed late makes you fat

    A Finnish study of almost 2,000 people suggests that those who stay up late choose more sugary foods at breakfast and also gorge on more unhealthy foods at night than early risers

    ‘Morning’ people often believe they are healthier than night owls.
    And now a Finnish study of almost 2,000 people suggests they have good reason to be smug – as they tend to eat better than those who burn the midnight oil.
    Researchers found that those who stay up late choose more sugary foods at breakfast and also gorge on more unhealthy foods at night than early risers.

    The study, which was published in the journal Obesity, concluded that night owls’ eating patterns ‘may put them at higher risk of obesity’ and could even lead to the onset of type 2 diabetes.
    It also linked the findings to studies that suggest declining self-control throughout the day makes it harder to make healthy food choices at night.

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