For your body, soul and mind....

  • Sunday, 5 February 2017


    The Universe provides a lot of opportunities so that we can learn our lessons. It may sometimes look like trying to find your way through a maze, blindfolded and people jab you with needles at each turn. Often life is not that pleasant. However, there are good sources of guidance that are available in our lives. There are many of them, in fact, but most often they are ignored.

    Here is how you can know that your guardian angel is trying to contact you:
    The room temperature changes – it may become warmer or colder without explanation without the fire or air conditioner on. The angels are able to speed up the molecules in the air and for that reason you’ll need to understand what has been communicated.

    Feathers – the quote “When angels are near feathers appear” is really true. Even though, Angels do not wings to fly, those show their ability to swiftly carry the Divine will.
    The light of the Angels – white is the color used by the Angels to appear to you. It is a pure source of the Divine, but they may also use different colors to appear. Angels appear to people using different spectrum of light available to the human eye. You are able to see the colors of infrared and ultraviolet without any special
    skills or training.
    Unexplained fragrancies – when you are at some place and the odor of the environment is bad, and then suddenly it becomes pleasant, then it is your guardian angel being a step away.

    Communicating though dreams – even though you might not remember the dream, but you will surely feel lighter, stronger, and sure which direction to take.
    Voices murmuring to you – you may think that you are a bit crazy, but in this context that is a good thing. You are open to the inclinations of the Universe, and others remain closed off.

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